Investment in the Berkeley Rock Capital portfolios will not be suitable for everybody. However much we aim to improve the predictability of the returns of our portfolios – particularly over the longer term – there are no guarantees. The value of investments (and any income derived therefrom) may rise as well as fall and your investors may get back less than they invested.

It is a myth that ‘growth’ is the only genuine return offered by property. Invested wisely, property can also provide a good income. Pension funds, hedge funds, banks and other large institutions have utilised property as a core part of their income plan for many years. Historically, real estate (property) has tended to shower a lower level of correlation with equities and bonds thus providing further diversification benefits.

  • Investing in our portfolios should be thought of as a medium to long term long-term strategy (at least 5 years, if not more).
  • Currency exchange movements may cause the value of overseas investments to fluctuate.
  • Investments in alternative markets may be less readily realisable and more difficult to sell.
  • Investments in emerging markets can pose greater risk and volatility than those inherent in more developed markets.
  • There is no guarantee that the returns from a discretionary investment management service will exceed those achieved through alternative investment services or by managing a portfolio yourself.
  • Passive index funds are designed to track the underlying reference index (before fees and expenses). Several factors may cause the performance of such funds to deviate from the underlying index.

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    W1J 5RL

    0207 183 8551

    Do you have questions about how we can help your company? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.